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Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I get help?

Please email us directly at - our dedicated team is on hand to help with all aspects of your LifeQuay journey.

What is the difference between Transactions and QuayPoints?

Transactions are the interactions with your legal advisor and are the big ‘one-off’ events in your life (such as buying/selling a house, making a will etc) while QuayPoints relate to the day to day management of your home and life administration that come up frequently (atleast annually, such as insurance).

LifeQuay allows you to manage both in tandem as these are often related e.g. if you buy a house, you’ll need buildings insurance, contents insurance, utilities etc and LifeQuay can help you keep the legal process simple, proactively stay on top of home and life administration, whilst ensuring you can always get the best deals on any renewals. Importantly once you have your life sorted, it will enable you to securely store all of your important documents in one secure vault.

Is it possible for my partner to see my LifeQuay transactions?

Yes, LifeQuay supports the ability for multiple people to share and view a single transaction. However every participant needs to be signed up to LifeQuay in order to do this - if you need assistance with this aspect please contact your legal advisor who can get you access. For further details on linking accounts, please contact

I have friends who want to join LifeQuay, do you have to join via a law firm?

No, people can join LifeQuay via their professional service providers (such as law firms) or else by self registering at

When will I be able to receive customized offers that can save me money?

We have already introduced this for gas and electric services via our partnership with Switchcraft. We will look to add offers for other areas over the coming months and would appreciate your input on which of these you value most in order to help us prioritise (please contact us at with your thoughts).

I have lots of documents in my Vault, how do I make this simpler to view?

We have applied ‘tags’ to the Vault items. When adding a document, you can either add one of the predefined tags or else apply your own tags. This allows you, for example, to tag any number of documents with the same name (e.g. address/name of house you are purchasing) and this in turn will enable you to view/store all related documents together. .question

There are lots more QuayPoints I want to add - how do I do this?

We are planning to add many more QuayPoints on a regular basis from the second half of 2020. If you would like us to consider additional QuayPoints, why not drop us a line with your suggestions to In the meantime, you can manually add your key documents and associated reminders via the current ‘Vault’ functionality.

My transaction milestones or messages are not being updated or responded to, what should I do?

Your Legal Advisor’s contact details (name, email address, telephone number) are all included on the relevant Transaction page. LifeQuay is designed to improve and simplify communication between you and your trusted legal advisor. If you feel you are not being kept up to speed, you have all the tools on hand to give them a nudge!

Rest assured, your legal advisor has put you on LifeQuay to improve your customer journey and will want to make sure that you are being kept informed at all relevant times, so if this is not happening then please reach out to them.

If you experience a slow user experience when using the Transaction view, please contact

I see the value in LifeQuay and am keen to use it, however is it secure?

Yes - looking after your data is fundamental to all that we do. We know our success is based on building trust between you and us. We will never share your data with anyone else without your permission. We take the security of your data seriously. We use two factor authentication to manage user logins (in the same way banks do) and encryption across the platform to ensure your data is protected during transport or at rest.

Is there a storage limit on my vault?

Currently you get up to 1GB of storage. If you want more, no problem, contact and we will arrange for this to be increased (costs may apply).

If I create a “memory box” for my loved ones in my ‘Vault’, how do they get access to this after my death if they don’t have my LifeQuay log-in details?

We are encouraging all of our users to leave their LifeQuay log-in details with their legal advisor who can then share these as per your wishes.

What if I want to leave LifeQuay?

Please contact and we will arrange for this to happen. We will also delete all of your data.